Order Management

Cross border sales managed by industry experts
Identify your market and sales channel

You know your product better than anyone else. Atominc gives you an insight of impact your product can have in your prospective market place. This competitive analysis will allow you to make calculated decisions of global reach. Once you have made up your mind, ATOM INC takes It over

Market activation

Product launch strategy, Local webpage set up, Language support, Digital Marketing. In this phase we cover your brands complete visibility, customised as per your requirements

Order management

Our unique integrations allow us to consolidate your sales from multiple sales channels and funnel all orders for performance evaluation and forecasting inventory plan.

Market Place Relationship

Our connection with global market places saves you time, effort and money from developing a new one. Hence you are not required to sign up and register a new account for every market place. Simply inform your dedicated manager to add a country or a new marketplace in that region. And Just like that, products will be available for more people to buy with just a few clicks.


We as sellers understand the difficulties in co-ordinating with market place in terms of barcode, package, listing, Videos and images. Our experts are on it 24/7 on your behalf. So you are free to create those amazing products that the world needs.


Atominc represents your brand in the market assigned by you. That means we export – Import – store – sell – repack – return them for you. Keeping in mind the laws and regulations on both ends of the transaction.